Legs and Posture Dinosaurs

Facts About Dinosaurs ~ All dinosaurs had 4 limbs. Unlike certain other reptiles, such as snakes and slow-worms, they did not lose their limbs through evolution. Some dinosaurs, such as massive, plant-eating sauropods like Jamenschia, stood and walked on all four legs nearly all the time. The all-fours method of standing and walking is called "quadrupedal". Some dinosaurs, such as nimble, meat-eating dromaeosaurs like Deinonychus, stood and walked on their back limbs only. The front two limbs were used as arms.
Legs and Posture Dinosaurs
Legs and Posture Dinosaurs

The Back-limbs-only method of standing and walking is called "bipedal". Some dinosaurs, such as hadrosaurs like Edmontosaurus, could move on all four limbs of just on their back legs if they chose to. The two-of-four-legs method of standing and walking is called "bipedal/quadrupedal".

Legs and Posture Dinosaurs

Reptiles such as lizards and crocodiles have a sprawling posture, in which the upper legs join the body at the sides. Dinosaurs had an upright posture, with the legs directly below the body. The more efficient upright posture and gait may be one major reason why dinosaurs were so successful compared to other animals of the time.

Legs and Posture Dinosaurs such as lizards and crocodiles

Don't forget, see also about Age of Dinosaurs.

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