Dinosaur Fossil-Hunters

Dinosaur Fossil-Hunters ~ Many dinosaur were found in the USA in the 1870s-90s by Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward drinker Cope. Marsh and Cope were great rivals, each one trying to find bigger, better and more dinosaur fossils than the other. The rivalry between Marsh and Cope extended to bribing people to smash each other's fossils with hammers, planting fake fossils, anda damaging food, water and other supplies at each other's camps in the Mid-West.Dinosaur Fossil-Hunters
One of the first great fossil-hunters in the USA was Joseph Leidy, who found troodon in 1856.

Cope and Marsh found and described about 130 new kinds of dinosaurs between 1877 and 1897. Joseph Tryrrel discovered fossils of Albertosaurus in 1884, in what became a very famous dinosarur region, the Red Deer River area of Alberta, Canada.

Lawrence Lambe found and described many North American dinosaur fossils, such as Centrosaurus in 1994.

German fossil experts Warner Janensch anda Edwin Hennig led expeditions to east Africa in 1908-12, and discovered Brachiosaurus anda Kentrosaurus.

From 1933 Yang Zhong-Jiang (also called CC Young) led many fossil-hunting trips in verious parts of China.

Jose Bonaparte from Argentina has found many fossils in that fegion, including Carnotaurus in 1985.

See also about Legs and Posture Dinosaurs
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